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We are a class of 21 students, all aged 12, 9 boys and 12 girls. We attend the  I.C. Pontormo (Istituto Comprensivo Il Pontormo) middle school. Our school is located in the small town of Carmignano (Prato) in the beautiful Tuscan countryside.  We all live in the surrounding areas - in the small villages of Bacchereto, Comeana, Seano but we come from all over the world! Three of us come from China, one from Brazil, one of us has Albanian parents, one boy’s mother is British. One of us has Cuban origins, one French origins and one has a mother from Switzerland.

This year, 2015/2016, we have taken part in two CLIL – projects (Content and Language Integrated Learning) involving respectively science and art, and we have participated in a journalism competition organized by the newspaper “La Nazione”. Thanks to these projects we have created presentations and videos about the respiratory system in English, we have  studied Australian aboriginal art and created our personal, painted boomerangs, and we have written newspaper articles which were published in  La Nazione.


We have learned lots of new things and above all we have learned to work as a  team and cooperate with each other to create something new. This is what we would like to share with you with this website.

The view from our classroom

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